Sunday, October 4, 2009

Getting Involved & Being One Busy Pipe!

Now that my treatments are two weeks behind me I am now really looking forward to passing on all the many blessings that so many of you out there have given to me.

I pray daily for 8 other breast cancer patients that I know or have connected with online. Two of them were in the hospital last week and I was able to check in with the physician about one and visit the other. It has meant a great deal to me cheering on these women who are a few months in their treatment behind me.

Last Wednesday night Laura, Leslie and I went to a breast cancer tree lighting ceremony at St Mary's, the hospital where I was diagnosed. They gave me a special ornament with my name on it and placed a single jewel on it indicating my 1st year as a cancer survivor. I met another woman there who had 28 jewels on her ornament. That was such an encouragement to me. Laura and Leslie placed my ornament on the tree in the hospital lobby. The ornament was one among hundreds in honor of the survivors diagnosed at that hospital who were in the audience or who had passed on. The first physician I saw after my initial diagnosis spoke. She talked about how many of her patients have told her that oddly enough they now see their breast cancer as a blessing. It had opened their eyes to a new clarity about life, a new appreciation. It made me smile. I can't honestly say I see all of this as a blessing but I can truly say I have seen many good things come from it. There was a brief ceremony. Laura won a door prize. It was flower arrangement in a pink vase with the breast cancer symbol on it. You should have seen her face when she presented it to me. Precious. After a brief ceremony, we went outside to see a second Christmas tree atop the hospital lit all in pink. They even had a fountain outside the hospital flowing with pink water.

St Mary's is hosting a banquet at the end of the month to celebrate survivors and raise $ for a cure. I have joined a committee to decorate tables for the event. Many of you will remember Julie, the wonderful nurse who reached out to me the day of my biopsy and helped me give out so many shirts. Early on in my chemo I would give her info about another cancer support group but it never seemed to meet the first few months within my diagnosis. I told her at the time how much I missed not participating in a group like that. Julie is now starting a support group that she says was inspired by me called Mercy's Women of Courage and Healing. She has asked me and a few other women to come and give our testimonials at the event. It is also at the end of the month.

And of course there is the Race for the Cure on October 24th. When I started the team I was hoping to have about 10-20 people join me on the big day. My team is now up to almost 30 people! We have raised close to $300 in donations and about $1000 overall if you consider our registration fees. Who-hoooo!!

And so my post breast cancer life is keeping me busy in some wonderful ways. I hope all of you that have prayed and supported me and my family these past 10 months can read this and smile knowing that your goodness is being passed on.

If you'd like to join our Race for the Cure team, make a donation to it or just check out our team page, here is a link.

If you are a local survivor and would like more info about events coming up in the Knoxville area, please email me or post your information under comments.

Many of you remember my post about being a pipe (giver) versus a pot (taker). It is such a joy to feel the blessings flow through me onto others. So many of them started out there with each of you. So lots of love to all my pipes out there,



  1. Keep up the good work, Kerry! You are so inspiring and have made many people happy along the way, I'm sure. Blessings to you and your beautiful family!

  2. God has answered our prayers in such a great way. He is certainly able to do far more than we can imagine. Not only has He brought you through this time, but He is using you to help others get through their terrible times. Here is a shout of praise - Who-hoooo!!

    We love you.


  3. So happy for you that you are finished with radiation. I,too, can truly say my cancer is a blessing. That's not to say that I am pleased as punch about having cancer, but it has indeed caused me to stay close to God.

  4. Kerry,

    You have always been a "pipe" in my life. I am thankful you have the opportunity to be a blessings to other people.
    We love you so much, Kerry, and are so proud of your kind, generous, and courageous spirit.
    Take care of yourself, Kerry.
    Remember how much we all love you,


  5. Dear Kerry,

    You are one amazing pipe:-) You have been a blessing to so many already while you were in the middle of your cancer treatment. We will pray for you during your testimonial and know that God will give you many more opportunities to pour out onto others!

    The cancer tree-lighting ceremony sounded beautiful! It is wonderful that they have such an event and it is exciting to know that you helped inspire a support group there! I wish I could have seen Laura's face as she got to hand you that flower arrangement:-)We love you so much sweet sis and are so proud of the courageous cancer survivor and encourager you have been!

    Your big sis,
