Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wanting Justice in a Fallen World

Last night I couldn't sleep because I was so mad.

We have two toy collies. They are confined to the yard by a pet fence. Monday morning a big German Shepherd wandered onto our property and attacked our 11 pound male named Stradivarius. (Our little dog with the big heart and the big name). Strad is the sweetest dog. He always lets our female Mandy eat first. When the girls were little they used to give him rides in a little doll stroller.

Around 8 a.m. we heard a commotion. When we opened the door Strad bolted inside, bleeding profusely. I saw the other dog leaving our property and heading down the street. He had ripped a hole in Strad's side. As you can imagine this was quite a traumatic sight for Laura and Leslie. I was pretty sure though it was not life-threatening, so I reassured my girls and we rushed Strad to the vet. She confirmed he was the victim of a dog attack. He was kept at the vet's office all day while she gave him anesthesia, performed surgery, implanted a drain and stitched him up.

When we got home around 10 a.m. the dog was still wandering the neighborhood. I called my next door neighbor who also has dogs to warn him about it. I had a very clear description of the dog, including the width and color of his collar. It turned out my neighbor's son had seen that dog wandering around in our yard before dawn and he knew who it belonged to. It belonged to a relative of his who lives on a neighboring street. The dog had chased his sister in law and bitten a total of 3 people in the neighborhood recently. The owner had been ordered by the court to keep the dog on a leash or in a fenced in yard. He had basically boasted to my neighbor that he let the dog out at night anyway because "no one is outside after 10 p.m."

Strad stayed all day at the vet. Following anesthesia and surgery they stitched him up. Fortunately no vital organs were injured. He came home with a drain sticking out of his side and stitches with a scar over 4 inches long covering an one side of his body. He couldn't walk at all for 24 hours. We have thus far had to pay $350 and have at least two more follow up visits to remove the drain and the stitching. I anticipate we'll end up spending at least $500 total.

And the owner's reaction to the news when his relative called him and told him what had happened? He didn't care. In fact he got mad that my neighbor told us who the dog belonged to. I called the police and filled out a police report. The policeman visited the owner and warned him about keeping the dog restrained. Then he told me unless I had witnessed the attack there was nothing he could do. He said next time if the dog ventured onto our property we had the right to defend ourselves and shoot it. And that was the best advice he could give. No consequences for the owner who violated the court order. No restitution. That was it.

My kids are now afraid to go outside. Every time I open the front door I find myself looking anxiously around to make sure that dog isn't around. There are at least three toddlers in our neighborhood. I am concerned for their safety too. My kids are asking me if someone is going to punish that owner or if he is going to pay our vet bills. When I told them I didn't know they said, "We need to call Judge Judy."

Right now all I can tell them is that "what goes around comes around" and "you reap what you sow." It doesn't alleviate the anger but I know it is a true principle. I don't know how some people live with themselves sometimes. At least we can sleep well at night. Now that is a blessing. Lots of love,



  1. Why does your community not have leash laws and the resultant penalties? At the least, since there is a court order in place, I would think you could file a written report to the County Attorney or whoever is in charge of the court where that particular order was placed. I hope Strad recovers quickly. Poor little guy!

  2. Keri-
    I will drop you an you know, I have my Sterling...I also live in Philadelphia. The owner of the dog is obligated to pay for all of the expenses. I am CERTAIN.
    Let me do a little digging...I'll find out for sure WHO it is you need to speak to...

  3. I am so sorry this happened to your family.
    When I was a kid my dog was attacked, unprovoked on our front porch. It was horrible. The dog also bit my brother's hand. I don't recall all that happened with the police, but the neighbor had to have their dog tested for rabies. Then the vet told them it had to be put to sleep. Before this incident, there had been no problems with the dog. But the vet said that once a dog does that, it is likely to do it again. Very sad.

  4. Kerry,

    I am so sorry about what happened to Strad!! He is such a sweetheart and didn't deserve this at all. I'm just shocked that the owner isn't responsible for paying the bills or in trouble for violating the court order.

    I hope Laura and Leslie weren't too scared by what happened! Tell them to give Strad a hug for us and that we are praying for him to be bounding around like normal real soon. We love you guys!!!!


  5. Kerry! Oh my gosh! That is appalling. If the dog has bitten three times, and the owner is letting him run lose, I am appalled that the police are taking such a 'meh' attitude. I would contact the media. I would be taking pictures. I would stand in front of this man's house snapping photos of the dog running free. That is disgusting.

    Yes. I agree that we insure that we do not become overwhelmed with anger or vindictiveness, but I believe that you can take a very strong stance on this for the good of your neighborhood and not be in violation of what God expects from us.

  6. Kerry,

    I can so understand why you are upset. I am sorry that Strad and your family had to go through such an experience. It truly is not fair.
    I can't imagine how the dog owner can justify this behavior. Some day that dog may really hurt someone.
    Give Strad a big hug and doggy treat from us.
    I am sorry about the vet bill. None of us need unexpected $500.00 bills.
    I would offer to send my two yellow labs down there to defend Strad, but they aren't very aggressive!
    Take care of yourself, Kerry, and have a wonderful day.
    Remember how much we all love you.
