Saturday, February 14, 2009

Get Those Blinders Off!

Hello prayer warriors!

Today is another blessed day. I can say that even though I scratched my head yesterday and a big clump of hair came out. I know there are many more clumps to come. But its okay. Because this week I spent in the company & fellowship of beautiful people with the hint of daffodils peeking out of the earth and spring coming.

Yesterday I saw a feeble middle aged man collecting aluminum cans. These were cans flattened by cars and he was in the parking lot of a gas station collecting them. This man was so disabled, his legs so unsteady that he had to hold on to the car to keep from falling as he picked them up from the ground. You know I have never in my life seen people doing this and yesterday was the second man I’ve seen scrounging for cans in two weeks. Both were in tattered clothing. The other was an elderly gentleman at yet another gas station digging through a trashcan. I know the economy is tough right now but it really brings it home how hard some people have been hit.

It also makes me wonder why have I never seen this before? Is this some new phenomenon? Or is it because I’ve had blinders on and always missed it before. Maybe I was so caught up in my day to day rushing around that I never took the time, never had the interest in noticing this before. It reminds me of a song. “Give Me Your Eyes” by Brandon Heath. It happens to be my daughter Leslie’s favorite song on Christian radio right now. Here is an excerpt:

"All those people going somewhere. Why have I never cared. Give me your eyes for just one second. Give me your eyes so I can see. Everything that I keep missing. Give me your love for humanity. Give me your arms for the broken hearted. The ones who are far beyond my reach. Give me your heart for the ones forgotten. Give me your eyes so I can see. Lord give me your eyes...

Here's a link to the music video on God Tube:

You know the day I went to the cancer center to get my PET scan results, all I could think about was myself. I was shaking in that waiting room thinking I'm going to die young. I had prepared myself for that reality. There were moments when I was at peace about it and many when I wasn't. There were probably several people around me just as scared as I was. When the doctor gave me the good news that the cancer had not spread to any vital organs again it was about me. What a bad year I was going to many surgeries, how many chemo & radiation treatments.

But you know what? When I returned to that waiting room the first thing I saw was that woman shaking. I feel like in that moment the blinders came off. It literally reminds me of that image in the Bible of how the scales came off Paul's eyes after he had his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. All of a sudden I began to see things that were oblivious to me one second earlier.

So are you going through life with blinders on like I was? Are you ready to pray for God to take off your blinders? Believe me, it may not be pretty, but I promise you can and will be blessed by it. Lots of love,


  1. Kerry,

    You and your friends look great! We will have to take some pictures here in King George. We will have lots of good-looking prayer warriors on the blogsite!
    I am glad that you had a good day. I am eagerly looking for signs of spring up here. I love to see things grow. It brings me joy.
    Kerry, you have the gift of compassion in a world that so desperately needs it. I pray that you will feel joy in your life with the same intensity that you feel the pain. I pray for you the joy of your children's smiles, the peace of a day well spent, and the expectency of a good day tomorrow.
    I am sorry you are losing your hair. I would spare you that if I could. I know that you are okay and will move on. I think you are just beautiful regardless!
    I love the songs on the blogsite, Kerry. They are great. I can hear Leslie belting it out now!
    Remember how much I love you,


  2. Kerry, I love the song today. It has so much meaning after reading your blog. It is so easy to go through the day with the blinders on. It is safer that way. You have opened my eyes. I do not think that I want this "safe." There is so many more blessings with the blinders off. There is so many things for which to give thanks. God has blessed me in so many ways. There is no way I could ever finish counting my blessings. Kerry, thank you so much for letting me see this.

    Today, I pray for a good day for you. I pray that Leslie and Laura give you lots of love looks that is reserved for mommys only. I pray that God's heavenly sunlight shines warmly and brightly on you while you feel the greening of the grass beneath your feet. I pray that you feel the appreciation that Randy must feel for such a Godly wife. I pray that you eat something that really, really tickles your taste buds. I pray that you hear from a good friend. I pray that you feel all the love your family and friends are sending your way. I also pray to thank God that He doesn't mind even if I ask him a trillion times per day for your good health to return as quickly as possible.

    Kerry, we love you.

  3. Dear Kerry,

    I just love the music and the slide show!! Seeing all the beautiful, smiling faces of friends and family praying for you just makes my heart sing:-) It's amazing what a good looking bunch all of us prayer warriors are :-) I would love to have the names to all the smiling faces, there are a few I don't know. Thank you all for praying for and supporting my sis :-)

    In response to your blog a couple of days ago, I too am so glad that God has given doctors such wisdom and new treatments and medicines to treat breast cancer. With your great attitude, faith and "perfect for chemo body" :-), that cancer doesn't stand a chance!!

    Thanks for reminding us about all the blessings in our lives that we so often take for granted. There are so many who are not nearly as blessed. I'm going to try to look for the people I may not have noticed before and observe with those blinders off!!

    We will be praying that the chemo on Thursday doesn't give you many unpleasant side effects or slow you down much and that you can enjoy all the blessings around you even more fully than before. We love you so much Kerry and are lifting you up whenever we think of you, which is very often :-)


